2016-17 Unit Plan
Phi Theta Kappa
Mission Statement
The purpose of the Beta Theta Kappa Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize and encourage scholarship among Butte College students. To achieve this purpose, we provide opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence. Our mission is two-fold: 1) recognize and encourage academic achievement of Butte College students and 2) provide opportunities for individual growth and development through participation in scholarship, leadership, service and fellowship programming.
Program Description
Our program's success can be measured by our participation in the Society's rigorous Five Star Development Program. We have reached five star status every year since 2002 by successfully implementing academic research, leadership development, community service and collaboration across community, campus, statewide, regional, and international venues. Moreover, we have received numerous regional and international awards, including the Outstanding Chapter Award in the Nevada California Region in 2015. In 2015, we were named the Most Distinguished Chapter Internationally (ranking in the top 30 out of 1,280+ chapters). In past 10 years, we have been consistently in the top 100 chapters internationally.
Accountability for Previously Funded Items
Accountability Item 1
NV/CA Regional Convention - Spring 2015
Used For Intended Purpose:
Students received information and training on enhancing future service learning projects which then took place on campus and in community.
Recognized on state-level - ranked 1st place out of 97 other chapters
Accountability Item 2
International Convention - PTK Nerd Nation - Spring 2015
Used For Intended Purpose:
The sessions equipped students with marketable leadership skills, ultimately contributing to student success and the enhancement of future service projects. The event also included the Hallmark Awards Gala, where our chapter was recognized on an international level, winning various awards for our research, campus, and community service projects.Most importantly winning Distinguished Chapter of the Year.
Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes
Partner with Transfer Counseling to offer more transfer workshops for PTK members
Update webpage and Facebook page to provide more information on strategies to acquire scholarships
Improve communications with campus community, specifically to promote participation in service learning projects, and reporting achievements
Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)
Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)
All PTK student officers met applicable achievement standards noted on Program Data Reports at 100%
Programming actively promotes Community College Completion Corps (C4). Provisional members are encouraged to reach higher GPAs to join as regular memebrs. All members are provided with information on how to access scholarship opportunites and to apply. Students are also referred to Transfer Counseling services.
Strategic Direction
Provides workshops on transfer scholarships and college admission strategies
Executes research and service learning projects to prepare students for the academic rigors of 4-year colleges
Helps students build analytical and professional skills
Engages students to collaborate with other student organizations, faculty and campus administration, community organizations, and private businesses
Provides individual career and academic guidance from Faculty Advisor
Provides presentations to College Connection classes to promote student involvement
Promotes program completion, degree and transfer, which aligns with Strategic Deirection and priorities.
Program Review
PTK has not been a part of a program review, as it was considered a campus club. Currently evaluating tghe need to add to Career & Employment Services Program Review process.
Department Goals
The goals of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (PTK) is to recognize and encourage scholarship among community college students. To achieve this purpose, Butte College's chapter provides opportunities for students to participate in academic research, leadership development activities, service-learning projects and collaboration across community, campus, statewide and international venues. PTK plans to continue to improve its programs and services to better equip students with marketable leadership skills, ultimately contributing to student success and the enhancement of future campus and community service projects.
Future Development Strategies
Strategy 1 - Strategy Title 1
- Obtain stable, ongoing budgetary support at an institutional level
- Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
- Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
- Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
- Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness
Supporting Rationale
- Enhances collaboration with campus and community partners
- Expands esprit de corps through service and volunteerism
- Assists (through events, community service, presentations, representation at conferences) prospective students to choose Butte College for their college education
- Links student learning to real life through community service on and off campus
- Promotes sustainability on campus and in our surrounding communities
- Promotes "honors in action" through scholarly research, which better prepares students for 4-year colleges/universities
- Increases awareness and likelihood of students receiving Phi Theta Kappa and non-Phi Theta Kappa scholarships
Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Strategy 2 - Strategy Title 2
- Maintain and possibly even increase the current level of campus and community service provided by our members
- Creatively sponsor various activities on campus designed to encourage scholarly inquiry
- Encourage our members to become more active in shared-governance activities
- Modeling Sustainability
- Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
- Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
- Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
- Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness
Supporting Rationale
- Enhances collaboration with campus and community partners
- Expands esprit de corps through service and volunteerism
- Assists (through events, community service, presentations, representation at conferences) prospective students to choose Butte College for their college education
- Links student learning to real life through community service on and off campus
- Promotes sustainability on campus and in our surrounding communities
- Promotes "honors in action" through scholarly research, which better prepares students for 4-year colleges/universities
- Increases awareness and likelihood of students receiving Phi Theta Kappa and non-Phi Theta Kappa scholarships
Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Strategy 3 - Strategy Title 3
- Provide increased positive publicity for Butte College in both local, state, regional, and national press
- Modeling Sustainability
- Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
- Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
- Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness
Supporting Rationale
- Enhances collaboration with campus and community partners
- Expands esprit de corps through service and volunteerism
- Assists (through events, community service, presentations, representation at conferences) prospective students to choose Butte College for their college education
- Links student learning to real life through community service on and off campus
- Promotes sustainability on campus and in our surrounding communities
- Promotes "honors in action" through scholarly research, which better prepares students for 4-year colleges/universities
- Increases awareness and likelihood of students receiving Phi Theta Kappa and non-Phi Theta Kappa scholarships
Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Strategy 4 - Strategy Title 4
- Promote sustainability awareness both on campus and in the community.
- Modeling Sustainability
- Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
- Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
- Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness
Supporting Rationale
- Enhances collaboration with campus and community partners
- Expands esprit de corps through service and volunteerism
- Assists (through events, community service, presentations, representation at conferences) prospective students to choose Butte College for their college education
- Links student learning to real life through community service on and off campus
- Promotes sustainability on campus and in our surrounding communities
- Promotes "honors in action" through scholarly research, which better prepares students for 4-year colleges/universities
- Increases awareness and likelihood of students receiving Phi Theta Kappa and non-Phi Theta Kappa scholarships
Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Requested Non-Financial Resources
Current Financial Resources
- Membership Dues (the main portion is sent to Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters)
- A.S. and ICC Grant opportunities
- Fundraising
Augmentation Requests
Original Priority |
Program, Unit, Area |
Resource Type |
Account Number |
Object Code |
One Time Augment |
Ongoing Augment |
Description |
Supporting Rationale |
Potential Alternative Funding Sources |
Prioritization Criteria |
1 |
Phi Theta Kappa |
Operating Expenses |
11-000-100-1-645000 |
55890 |
$0.00 |
$15,000.00 |
Regional and International Travel |
PTK students spend an exorbitant amount of time on fundraising, allowing less time for meaningful research and service projects.
PTK students need to receive training and collaboration opportunities through regional and international venues to enhance individual and chapter success. The Chapter and College also gain recognition by winning awards at these events, therefore increasing students' chances to receive scholarships. Students in Phi Theta Kappa receive tuition assistance at 4-year colleges as well. Lastly, Phi Theta Kappa has a strong focus on transfer and completion.
- Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
- Evaluating standards and goals for course success, retention, degree achievement, certificate completion, transfer, and credentialing annually