The mission of the Butte College Transfer Counseling Center is to support student success and provide programs, services, and information resources that enable students to prepare for their transition to a college, university or the workplace.
The Transfer Counseling Center provides counseling and transitional services to all students wishing to attend a four-year college or university. Emphasis is placed on making Butte students the highest priority for admission by focusing services and programs on major and four-year university specific requirements. The Transfer Counseling Center also strives to educate the campus community through presentations, public events, and outreach on strategies and opportunities at four-year colleges.
We received funds to hire a graduate intern to work in the spring and fall semester. This helps to temporarily backfill the loss of student contact that occured when the prior part-time counselor received a full-time positon.
The addition of a part-time intern was benifical in helping to increase the number of available appointments and increase the number of CSU/UC application workshops offered. This allowed staff to increase the number of classroom presentations and staffing our mobile cart at the LRC and high traffic areas on campus in order to advertise transfer programs and services. The additional support also provided the opportunity to build the Transfer Academy, support orientations for international students, and create stronger partnerships with the Honors and PTK programs.
The TCC received a SSSP augmentation to support and/or expand activities that the center was already performing. This helped to consolidate most of our request. The following list reflects where and how resources were expended:
1) Part-time counseling: Intern helped to expand direct services to students by reviewing CSEPs to assist with scheduling classes, increased the number of CSU/UC application workshops offered, assisted in helping with advertisements for the center, website content, staffing mobile cart, and allowing full-time staff to present to classes.
2) Transfer Day: Expenses for food, tent rental and set-up, busing high school students and misc expenses.
3) Travel: Allowed counselor to attend CSU, UC and Ensuring Transfer Success counselor conferences and regional Transfer Director's meetings.
4) Transfer Academy: Provide 132 students with CSEPs, Lunch-and-Learn information sessions with TC counselors and two with UC outreach reps from Davis, Worshops included: Writing a Personal Insight essay and reviewing essays with Honors faculty, what to expect when you attend a UC campus, TAGS, UC/CSU planner.
5) Increased the number on Transfer Talk newsletters printed and distributed at main and Chico center.
6) Noninstructrual Supplies: Office, Transfer Day, promotional items, advertising banners.
The Transfer Counseling Program Review Recommendations are as follows:
Marketing/Increasing Campus Awareness of Services. The TCC has historically used interns to support program services. The district is currently suspending it use of interns in faculty positions and requiring that any interns in a student service department be supervised 100% of the time they are working. We were able to hire an intern last year and utilized that individual to increase the support to students needing assistance with admission application workshops, assisting with basic transfer question and increasing our presence on campus utilizing our mobil cart to promote transfer programs and services at different locations on campus and in the LRC. It was also suggested that we use peer ambassadors to help market services. We continue to partner with PTK and are now looking to increase are involvment with the honors program. The honors program is currently have difficulty sustaining their population and we are looking to partner with them and PTK to create a vibrate University Program that encourages students and faculty to network and become more envolved in pushing services to participating students via lunch-and-learns, personal insight workshops for UC admnissions and recognition activites for students. We have also refreshed our website, Facebook and signed-on to Grad Guru to better push-out messages related to programs, services and critical dates. We have increased counselor's time dedicated to staffing our two carts and and being more visible on campus. We have also done more to promote the "Don't Cancel That Class" program on campus.
Getting Specific Information to Students
In addition to the marketing strategies listed above we are providing workshops to promote the UC/CSU on-line Academic Planners that create a portal of communication between the student and the 4-year college. We have also staffed a table at the Chico Center, presented to classes and hosted a Personal Insight review workshop for UC applicants.
Continue to Utilize Technology to Be More Effective and Efficient
It was recommended that we embrace the use of on-line Ed Plans and provide students the ability to schedule appointments on-line. At this time we are still waiting for the college to launch the Cranium Cafe where we will pilot scheduling on-line appointments with transfer academy students. We are also looking to move providing some on-line counseling appointments that will not require students to come out to campus. We are also looking to increase the dynamics interface of our website by providing more interactive functionality.
Staffing and Ongoing Collaboration with Sufficient Staff and Support.
Staffing the TCC is always a challenge in that we are a small program with one front office staff and dependent on student assistants to provide program support. We are in a constant state of trainning students and understaffed when our administrative assistant takes time off from work for vacation or sick time. We continue to reach out to programs on campus that support students wanting to transfer to a 4-year college.
Provide potential transfer students with counseling and academic planning, including the development of CSEPs and encouraging student participation in transfer programs that support academic success. Assist students with their transfer/transition plans, including timely completion and submission of university applications, acquisition of financial aid and housing, and the identification of other available university services, programs and personnel to contact for further assistance in the transition process. To provide transfer specific information to the campus community via class presentations, workshops, newsletters and staff development flex activities.
Strategy 1 - Meeting Student Demand For Services
Increase the number of individual counseling appointments available to students.
Demand for appointments exceeds availabe capacity creating the need for additional counselors. As more initative to increase student retention, persistance and transfer are implemented there is a direct impact on the demand for the TCC to provide outreach to the campus community which creates increased demand for student appointments. Additionally, Student Success legislation requires that all students receive a Comprehensive Student Education Plan.
Strategy 2 - Increase Transfer Specific Workshops
Increase the number of workshops available to students including but not limited to application workshops, Transfer Admission Guarantee's (TAG), transferring to CSU/UC/Private schools and competeitve majors, Personal Insight statements for UC applicants and Lunch and Learns to support the recently launched Transfer Academy.
With the increase of four year transfer initiatives, i.e., Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAGS), On-the-Spot Admissions (OTSA), and ADTs there is a greater demand for appointments. Consequently, alternative ways of meeting student demand for appointments need to be provided. By providing on-line advising, informational workshops, streaming videos, class presentations and a program newsletter each semester students are informed and directed to the most accommodating option to access services. These workshops would help to clarify transfer related information so students who need basic information would receive it and those requiring more specific information would receive individualize services.
Strategy 3 - Representatives from 4-year Colleges and Universities
Increase the number of visitations 4-year college representatives on campus.
This fall CSU Chico has been able to send an evaulator to campus every other week to meet with students. We have also benifitted from a chancellor's office initative with UC to send outreach staff to meet with students and we have been able to physically host Davis, Riverside, Santa Cruz and San Diego. We have also started scheduling Skype with UCLA and Santa Barbara. We look to continue to host UC Davis as funding for the program runs through February. We have contacted the UC Davis Transfer Opportunity Program (TOP) for program information and requirements to continue having a rep on campus.
Strategy 4 - Alternative Service Delivery Methods
By creating streaming videos students on and off campus will be able to access an introduction to the various services we offer. Students will be able to view videos to receive basic information or view entire workshops to assist them in completing a particular transfer specific task. We are also increasing the number of UC campuses that will provide skype advising appointments with students. We currently Skype with UCLA and plan to add additional UC campuses.
Strategy 5 - 4-year university initiatives
Increase the number of initiatives with 4-year schools.
We will look to increase the number of students transferring to 4-year schools by increasing access to 4-year college evaluators/outreach representatives. We will attempt to join the UC Davis Transfer Opportunity Program, increase the number of UC campuses offering remote appointments with students and hosting CSU Chico at both the main campus and Chico Center. We are looking to increase the number of On The Spot Admission with Chico by offering admission appointments at the Chico Center.
Strategy 6 - Increase outreach at off campus locations.
This spring we will start offering counseling appointments at the Chico Center and coordinate the opportunity for 4-year college reps from Chico and Davis to meet with students.
We hope to increase the number of student contacts by taking our program and services off campus. We want to capture students that may not come to the main campus and make them aware of transfer programs and transfer initiatives with 4-year colleges. Students will have the opportunity to meet with a transfer counselor and/or university representative. We plan to provide class presentation and staff a table in the lobby to market our programs and encurage students to make appointments.
There is a need to have an additional office to house a counselor and university representatives. We are currently using a converted supply room to staff one Chico and three UC reps. The room is not ADA compliant and we have to keep the door open to accommodate two chairs. The office also houses the SA for the TCW grant. We also have a critical need for additional storage.
Transfer Counselor Website grant provides a director buy-back of $25,000 that is used to provide part-time counseling.
Original Priority | Program, Unit, Area | Resource Type | Account Number | Object Code | One Time Augment | Ongoing Augment |
Description | Supporting Rationale | Potential Alternative Funding Sources | Prioritization Criteria | |||
1 | Transfer Counseling Center | Personnel | XXX000XXX000 | 42953 | $0.00 | $32,154.00 |
Part-time Counselor | We have not been able to replace the counseling hours lost when our part-time counselor received the full time position. There has been a net loss of available appointments for students to meet with a counselor as we continue to expand our services and add new programs i,e,. Transfer Academy. We intend to use $25,000 in backfill from the TCW to supplement the full cost of a part time counselor. |
2 | Transfer Counseling Center | Operating Expenses | $0.00 | $3,000.00 | ||
Travel and Research | Travel, conferences, and the opportunity to visit sites that have developed University Centers and have a partnership with the UC Davis Transfer Opportunity Program (TOP) to explore best practices. |
3 | Transfer Counseling Center | Personnel | $0.00 | $18,500.00 | ||
Counseling Intern | A graduate intern would allow maximum flexibility in supporting department needs by being able to: Assist staff presenting workshop, assisting students with scheduling classes, support Transfer Academy, class presentations, and staffing our mobile cart to advertise programs and services. |
4 | Transfer Counseling Center | Personnel | $0.00 | $75,535.00 | ||
Student Service Transfer Specialist | Meet increased program and student demand for services related assistance with workshops, reviewing student schedules, class presentations, assisting with Transfer Academy activities, staffing mobile cart and support other TCC sponsored activities. |
5 | Transfer Counseling Center | Personnel | XXX000XXX000 | 52368 | $0.00 | $26,700.00 |
Student Assistant | We are requesting 3 student assistants. As a small department with one full time administrative Assistant we are dependent on SAs to provide most of the direct student contact and to provide coverage in the event the there is an illness. This position was historically a Federal Work study position, but the lack of flexibility on when the are permitted to work restricted when we could work them. Program SAs also work supporting the Transfer Academy. |
6 | Transfer Counseling Center | Operating Expenses | 110007091633004 | 54500 | $0.00 | $13,000.00 |
Resources needed for the publication of Transfer Talk (2,000), hosting Transfer Day (5,000), Transfer Academy related activities (1500). Cover license fee for on-line chat(300). | The Administration Transfer Task Force team recommendations identified that all faculty and students receive a Transfer Talk newsletter each semester. Transfer Day has continued to expand to include more service area high school participation and the inclusion of all Butte programs that offer an AD/AS-T degree. The Transfer Academy launched last year and currently has 132 students enrolled in the program. We are currently working with PTK and the Honors Program to partner in recruiting students, presenting on and off campus and combining events when possible. We need a transportation budget in order to take students to four-year college for their Preview Days events. We need to cover the yearly renewals for on-line advising and membership dues, and office supplies, which includes the increase cost of having to go off campus to print poster. This will also cover non-instructional supplies. Posters, program promotional items. |