The Assessment Center is changing it's name to Career and Academic Assessment Center. The Center is transforming it's mission and goals to support AB 705 and Guided Pathways. The Center will be responsible for administering the Career and Academic Profile to all students, which includes a career assessment (Vita Navis) and placing students into English and math courses, supporting Career Counseling and exploration services, and enforcing the Districts prerequisites. The new mission will be to serve the career development needs of Butte College students by providing high quality and diversity-sensitive services through counseling, consultation, and lasting partnerships.
The Center will administer the Career and Academic Profile to over 5,000 students at area high schools, Chico and Glenn County Centers and in an online environment. The Career and Academic Assessment Center will merge with the Career Counseling program to develop services to assist students with identifying a career and academic program, and provide career assessment and counseling services. We assist students in achieving successful outcomes by: a) connecting students' interests, values, skills and personality with the world of work; b) aiding the development of students' interest by exploring various majors and careers; c) listening and helping with personal concerns that relate to career decisions; and d) informing students about Butte College's career assistance services.
Augmentation supported the use of the ACCUPLACER assessments used in the college's placement model along with multiple measures. Approximately 4000 students completed the ACCUPLACER assessment. This agumentation will not be requested in the future for 2019-2020.
Student Assistants (5) - $10,000 (1 district funded); $38,148 (4 SEA funded)
Student assisstants are necessary to support the services provided in the Assessment Center. Student assistants answer the phone, and provide customer service support at the front counter, administer assessment tests, answer questions about pre-enrollment requirements and prerequisites, and support the overall operation of the Assessment Center.
Operating expenses
Augmentation used to support the overall operation of the Assessment Center
Seasonal Proctors for Reg2Go
Seasonal proctors are needed to support the Reg2Go program. Proctors are responsible for traveling out to the 40 high schools to support the administration of the Career and Academic Profile tool and Vita Navis. These positions are necessary to support the Reg2Go activities.
Reclassification/Restructure of 2 100% and 1 50% Special Programs Clerks.
These positions were not reclassifed or hired in 2018-2019 becuase of the potential impact of AB 705.
1.A Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
- Combine the Career and Academic Assessment Center with Career Counseling in SAS 110. Develop career exploration services to support the onboarding of students in a Guided Pathways environment.
- Develop career exploration services to target specific meta-major (communities) needs
- Develop career exploration services to target specific student populations on the Student Equity Dashboard
- Develop a Career Studio in the Assessment lab
- Administer Vita Navis career assessment and the Career and Academic Profile to new students
- Reimagine the onboarding experience for students to help them develop a career plan by their first year
Strategy 1 - Continue the develop of the Career and Academic Profile tool
The Career and Academic Profile tool is being developed in Spring 2019, but will have future iterations. The tool will help students develop a profile of their academic program, program goal, placement based on high school and/or college course completion and gpa, guided self-placement, and a student success needs survey. This tool will be completed by all students and used to update a students' program of study and goal prior to each registration cycle. This tool will can be administered online or in an in-person experience.
All assessment testing and evaluation of transcripts and test scores from high schools and college will no longer be used to place students into multiple levels of English and math with the implementation of AB 705. The Career and Academic Assessment Profile tool will be used by students who can self-report high school and/or college course taking behavior in English and math. For students who have been out of high school for more than 10 years, and/or who cannot self-report high school information, the tool provides a guided self-placement experience for students to use to select the most appropriate English and math course(s) or supports.
Strategy 2 - Implement AB 705
AB 705 implementation is occuring in Spring/Summer/Fall 2019. 2019-2020 will provide opportunities to evaluate the Districts implementation of AB 705 and identify and message to students other supports to help students succeed.
AB 705 is a major initiative for the District and supports the implementation of Guided Pathways.
Strategy 3 - Develop Career Exploration Services
Integrate Career Counseling into the Career and Academic Assessment Center. Develop new services to support students with identifying careers, majors and pathways. Integrate these services into the structure of Guided Pathways.
A primary goal of Guided Pathways is to improve the onboarding experience for students, integrate career counseling into the onboarding process and first year experience, support students with identifying and following an academic pathway, and eliminate equity gaps. New career services could include career assessments, workshops on developing a career plan, developing services to support the five meta major communities.
Strategy 4 - Develop a Career Studio
Establish a Career Studio open lab environment where students can drop in to explore pathways and design a career plan
Career exploration and identifying a career and academic pathway are essential to the goals of Guided Pathways.
Strategy 5 - Staff Development
Staff Development is essential to effectively implementing these goals. Staff job responsibilities and roles will be changing and future training and staff development will be necessary to support staff with their new roles and responsibilities.
Staff development is critical to supporting staff in their implementation of best practices. These activities allow staff to improve services to students and support District and statewide outcomes.
Strategy 6 - Reimagining the student onboarding experience
Identify and implement onboarding experiences for students to develop a career plan prior to enrolling in their first semester.
In the past, the onboarding experience have provided limited career planning support. New services will be developed to integrate career exploration and planning into the new student onboarding and first year experience.
The following non-financial resources are being requested:
$366,530 - District
$138,000 - Categorical (SSSP) (Classified Assessment Technician), Student Assistants, Operational Budget)
Original Priority | Program, Unit, Area | Resource Type | Account Number | Object Code | One Time Augment | Ongoing Augment |
Description | Supporting Rationale | Potential Alternative Funding Sources | Prioritization Criteria | |||
1 | Career and Academic Assessment Center | Operating Expenses | 12.262.709.1.632001 | 54500 | $4,000.00 | $0.00 |
Operating expenses for the Center | Operating budget for copying, office materials and supplies. |
2 | Career and Academic Assessment Center | Personnel | 12.262.709.1.632001 | 52368 | $50,000.00 | $0.00 |
5 Student Assistants | To provide customer service and support during the fall, spring and summer periods. Will support the administration of the Career and Academic Profile tool, prerequisite enforcement and supporting Career Counseling services |
3 | Career and Academic Assessment Center | Facilities | $30,000.00 | $0.00 | ||
Build an office space for Career Counselor | To integrate Career Counseling into the Career and Academic Assessment Center, a second enclosed office space needs to be built in the SAS 110 facility. This is the cost to close in a second office for the Career Counselor |
4 | Career and Academic Assessment Center | Operating Expenses | 12-262-709-1-632001 | 54511 | $25,000.00 | $0.00 |
Purchase contract for Vita Navis (Super Strong) | Vita Navis Career Interest Inventory (Super Strong) is used in conjunction with the Career and Academic Profile to support students with selecting a program of study and goal during their first year. This is used in the onboarding process with new students. |
5 | Career and Academic Assessment Center | Operating Expenses | $6,000.00 | $0.00 | ||
Development of a Career Studio | Need to create a supportive space for more students to access career planning tools, resources and services. Convert the assessment lab into a studio environment for students to explore career and academic pathways. |
6 | Career and Academic Assessment Center | Personnel | 12-262-701-1-620002 | 52390 | $6,000.00 | $0.00 |
Seasonal Proctors for Reg2Go | Seasonal proctors are needed from January-May to support the assessment activities for Reg2Go. This includes traveling out to the 40 high schools to administer the Vita Navis career assessment and the Career and Academic Profile tool to support new students as they participate in the Reg2Go program. |
7 | Career and Academic Assessment Center | Operating Expenses | 12.262.709.1.632001 | 55200 | $8,000.00 | $0.00 |
Professional Development, travel and conference, workshops | This augmentation will provide staff an opportunity to attend the NCTA National Conference and the CCCAA statewide conference. Additionally, these funds will support travel costs that support services at the Glenn County Center and Chico Center locations and other off campus locations. |
8 | Career and Academic Assessment Center | Equipment | 12-239-709-1-632001 | 56411 | $1,000.00 | $0.00 |
Flat Screen Monitor | Flat screen monitor for staff training. Mounted in the staff meeting room and used for staff training. |