2022-23 Unit Plan

Mission Statement

The Butte College Health, Kinesiology, and Athletics Department offers quality education within a student-centered environment that provides comprehensive instruction through various modalities. The curriculum incorporates innovative teaching methods and flexible scheduling that foster critical thinking and support the needs of our diverse student population. The uniqueness of our integrative discipline is that we work to empower students to develop healthy behaviors, engage in physical activity, and promote healthy lifelong modifications, which can enhance their quality of life.

Program Description

The Butte College Athletics Department offers a comprehensive, two year program consisting of 13 sports; 7 women�s and 6 men�s. They include: 

WOMEN�S                        MEN�S
Track and Field	           Track and Field
Cross Country	           Cross Country
Basketball	                   Basketball
Softball	                   Baseball
Volleyball	                   Football
Soccer	                   Soccer

This program allows student-athletes to compete in various conferences and be recruited by four-year institutions.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (Instruction Departments)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)


Strategic Direction


Program Review

Program Review recommendations:
The department is still working on the following reccomendations:

1) Address safety concerns relative to Practice, Game and Educational Fields/Courts: as mentioned before the track is going to be updated sometime in the Spring 2016 semester. The fields have continued to be seeded, fertilized, aerating, and pest control but is still coming out of the department's budget instead of the districts as mentioned. The golf facility, upper and lower tennis courts, football press box have not been addressed.

Update:  The Health, Kinesiology, & Athletics have recently completed the addition of a renovated Stadium Press Box, new Scoreboard, and the new Kinesiology and Athletic Performance Center.  We are still in need of a golf facility and the installation of the covered multi-purpose field where the lower tennis courts were located.

2) Upgrade and Refurbish Facilities:  To my knowledge there has been no updates on GYM 110/111 HVAC update and the need to have separate thermostats, automatic bleachers for the Gym, replace accordion door for GYM 113/114, and air conditioning in the men's locker room.  We are on track to paint the Gymnasium the summer of 2016.

Update:  All items have been complete with the exception of a new wall between GYM 113/114.

3) Update Technology: Gym 110/111 technology update has been and still is in the Unit plan as well as IT has the update request on their list, but no mention of when this will take place.  There also has been no updates on the Wi-fi strength, currently the classroom cannot support student Wi-fi activity during a class session. The light switch modalities have been switch to variable lighting.

Update:  No action has been taken by our IT Department.

4) Hire Full-Time Faculty: The department continues to present the need to add another Full-Time Faculty member as recommended.

5) Develop and Enhance the Curriculum: The department is currently in the process of looking to change the A.A. degree and is currently offering an AA-T degree. We are also in the process of looking to add a Personal training certification and Sport Medicine Certification.

6) Obtain Additional Funding Sources: The department continues to explore how to raise additional funding as far as fundraising and grants. However, this requires additional workload on an already stretched and overloaded staff. The recommendation from the Validation team is the college needs to allocate more resources into the Health, Kinesiology, and Athletics budget to comply with safety issues and be ADA compliance.

Department Goals


Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Program Support

Increase personnel and correct job descriptions. 

Increase certain budget codes including travel and officials fees.

Incorporate a recruiting budget for each program.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

To allow the position to further help out our current Director of Athletics, Health and Kinesiology with the endless amount of paperwork and other important tasks.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No
Supports Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Course level SLOs: No
Supports PLOs: No
Supports ILO - Think Critically: No
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: No
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: Yes
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: Yes
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Credentials: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Transfer: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Time to Degree: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Employment in field of Study: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Reducing Equity Gaps: No

Strategy 2 - Officials Fees

Officials are needed to support our 13 athletic programs. These budgets need to be augmented due to the increased costs over the last 10 years and these budgets haven't been adjusted to account for inflation.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement

Supporting Rationale

The fees for game officials has increased for every sport. We would like this budget augmented as on-going requirements.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No
Supports Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Course level SLOs: No
Supports PLOs: No
Supports ILO - Think Critically: No
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: No
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: No
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Credentials: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Transfer: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Time to Degree: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Employment in field of Study: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Reducing Equity Gaps: No

Strategy 3 - Travel Budget Augmentation

Travel Expenses for 13 athletic teams.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

Butte currently offers 13 Intercollegiate athletic teams. The cost of meals and lodging have increased substantially for travel. This augmentation will offset our current budget deficient.  

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: No
Supports Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Course level SLOs: No
Supports PLOs: No
Supports ILO - Think Critically: No
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: No
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: No
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Credentials: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Transfer: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Time to Degree: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Employment in field of Study: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Reducing Equity Gaps: No

Strategy 4 - Beach Volleyball

Beach volleyball is an emerging sport in the state of California.Adding this sport to our offerings would provide additional FTES to the college. It would also allow more opportunities for women to compete in our intercollegiate atheltic program, and it would justify a full-time instructor who would also coach both indoor volleyball, as well as start and oversee a beach volleyball program.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

Implementing a Women's Sand Volleyball Intercollegiate Athletic team would provide 15 to 20 additional opportunities for female athletes which would be a Title IX benefit to the college. This is a fast emerging sport within local and state conferences. Butte College will fall behind other competitive volleyball programs if we do not add this up and coming sport.    

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: Yes
Supports Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Course level SLOs: No
Supports PLOs: No
Supports ILO - Think Critically: No
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: No
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: Yes
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: Yes
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Credentials: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Transfer: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Time to Degree: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Employment in field of Study: No
Supports Meeting Vision for Success Goal - Reducing Equity Gaps: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources


Current Financial Resources

Century Club...........................................................7,500

Student Activities...................................................... 5,000

Foundation Fundraising Accounts............................... 40,000

Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Athletics, Health, and Kinesiology Personnel 51000 $0.00 $10,000.00
Change from Administrative Assistant III to the Administrative Assistant to the Dean To allow the position to further help out our current Director of Athletics, Health and Kinesiology with the endless amount of paperwork and other important tasks. The current secretary has been working out of class for a number of years.
  • Addressing all Areas of the Student Centered Funding Formula (enrollment growth, student need and student success)
  • Closing Equity Gaps
2 Athletics, Kinesiology, Health Personnel 11_000_617_1_083512 51110 $0.00 $100,000.00
Full-Time, Tenure-Track Instructor and Head Women's Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Coach While some part-time head coaches can make ends meet in order to continue to pursue their passion for coaching their respective sports, many are often missing important events, holding practices during early morning or evening hours, or cannot invest as much time into a program to ultimately maximize its potential success. This has a trickle-down effect in areas such as athletic training, equipment, facilities/campus safety, and other areas that then in turn require more funding in order to operate successfully. Recently, there was a mid-year retirement within the HKA department, that had previously been held by an instructor and former coach that retreated to instruction only. This has happened a handful of times within the department, resulting in the remaining five full-time faculty serving solely as instructors without any coaching duties. After the implementation of years of coaching requirements to the head football coach�s contract, the same would be applied to the next full-time, tenure-track instructor with coaching duties to ensure that previous practice is not repeated. Additionally, we are further from being Title IX compliant without being able to successfully field a women�s golf team, and beach volleyball has been an emerging sport throughout the state and country. Also, the next full-time coaching position would need to serve a women�s sport to also remain Title IX compliant. I would propose a head women�s volleyball and beach volleyball coach with the intent on adding the beach volleyball program no later than Spring 2024. This also would essentially assist in FTE�s numbers and recruitment of prospective students to the college.
  • Addressing all Areas of the Student Centered Funding Formula (enrollment growth, student need and student success)
  • Addressing shortfalls in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Implementing the college's Strategic Direction Priorities
  • Meeting California Community Colleges Vision for Success Goals
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Meeting enrollment targets
  • Meeting student achievement goals (Vision for Success Goals)
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusiveness
3 Athletics Operating Expenses $0.00 $25,260.00
Implement Women's Beach Volleyball Program Implementing a Women's Beach Volleyball Intercollegiate Athletic team would provide 15 to 20 additional opportunities for female athletes which would be a Title IX benefit to the college. This is a fast emerging sport within local and state conferences. Butte College will fall behind other competitive volleyball programs if we do not add this up and coming sport.
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Addressing shortfalls in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Addressing all Areas of the Student Centered Funding Formula (enrollment growth, student need and student success)
  • Implementing the college's Strategic Direction Priorities
4 Athletics Operating Expenses $0.00 $24,000.00
Recruiting Budget With the college facing a decrease in enrollment, often coaches pay for recruiting expenses out of pocket or through their foundation accounts. Recruiting expenses include paying for meals when a recruit visits, mileage to view/meet a recruit, and other incurred expenses such as purchasing a ticket into an athletic contest or materials � print and electronic. Additionally, stipend/volunteer assistant coaches are often actively recruiting as well, essentially donating time/money back to the college based upon the number of hours they are committing to their respective programs.
  • Student Equity and Achievement Program
  • Implementing the college's Strategic Direction Priorities
  • Meeting California Community Colleges Vision for Success Goals
  • Addressing all Areas of the Student Centered Funding Formula (enrollment growth, student need and student success)
  • Meeting enrollment targets
5 Athletics Personnel 51000 $0.00 $60,000.00
Athletic Eligibility Specialist The job description for the HKA department�s Secretary II, who has been working out of class as a Secretary III, does not include the essential job functions that the position requires. The newly-developed Athletic Eligibility Specialist�s job description (currently with HR to be approved by CSEA) more accurately outlines the core job duties of that position, while also being comparable and consistent with other colleges in the CCCAA who have a similar position, which is roughly 50 percent of all schools with athletics.
  • Addressing all Areas of the Student Centered Funding Formula (enrollment growth, student need and student success)
  • Addressing shortfalls in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Implementing the college's Strategic Direction Priorities
  • Meeting California Community Colleges Vision for Success Goals
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Meeting enrollment targets
  • Meeting student achievement goals (Vision for Success Goals)
6 Athletics Personnel 11_000_618_1_696001 52120 $0.00 $7,500.00
Increase Assistant Athletic Trainer's Contract Athletic training requests an increase in its contracts each year to meet the needs of the coaches, student-athletes, and the department annually. Its services are an essential function to the department and to ensure that the college is meeting at least the minimum requirements put forth by the CCCAA. Currently, the classified full-time athletic trainer, Irene Contreras is on a 10-month contract, which does not fulfill the annual need by those in the department. I request that she is approved for an 11-month contract for the health and safety of our student-athletes, as the demand has continued to remain consistent, and so that our student-athletes are not negatively affected by the lack of services.
  • Student Equity and Achievement Program
  • Addressing Health, Life, and Safety issues
  • Implementing the college's Strategic Direction Priorities
  • Meeting California Community Colleges Vision for Success Goals
  • Addressing all Areas of the Student Centered Funding Formula (enrollment growth, student need and student success)
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Meeting student achievement goals (Vision for Success Goals)
7 Athletics Operating Expenses 55100 $0.00 $25,000.00
Officials Budget Increase In order to operate home athletic contests, officials are required. Currently, all sports are allotted a total of $23,400 for officials costs, wherein the actual cost for officials annually is $45,000, not considering hosting postseason contests or additional events such as cross country or track and field. In order to maximize the student-athlete experience and provide the opportunity to showcase Butte College, its facilities, and offerings, the additional funds that have been necessary to operate have come from other accounts and/or fundraising money. This is a necessary annual operating expense that should be increased permanently, and the rates for officials continue to increase annually.
  • Addressing Health, Life, and Safety issues
  • Addressing shortfalls in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Meeting student achievement goals (Vision for Success Goals)
8 Athletics Operating Expenses 55200 $0.00 $72,000.00
Team Travel Increase In order to maximize the experience for student-athletes and to be able to provide the opportunity for tougher competition in order to prepare for potential postseason competition, the current budget for travel is not sufficient in order to support such endeavors. This is a necessary operating cost that should be increased permanently. Currently, teams are spending nearly double for travel to meet the allowed number of contests/dates and the necessary overnight trips to conference schools such as Redwoods.
  • Student Equity and Achievement Program
  • Addressing all Areas of the Student Centered Funding Formula (enrollment growth, student need and student success)
  • Addressing shortfalls in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Closing Equity Gaps
9 Athletics Personnel 11_000_618_1_696001 52120 $0.00 $6,000.00
Athletic Equipment Technician Furlough Removal Years ago, when some classified staff were put on a one-month furlough, the Equipment Technician was included in that group. When the furlough was rescinded for some staff years later, the Athletic Equipment Technician�s furlough was never removed. He currently still is required to report a one-month furlough. However, that is not feasible with the hours he is required to put in based upon his job duties, as well as being the only equipment technician in the department. During the fall semester, he regularly works six day per week to fulfill the necessary job functions, as well as it requires a number of other night and weekend work throughout the entire academic year, as well as additional duties during the summer.
  • Addressing all Areas of the Student Centered Funding Formula (enrollment growth, student need and student success)
  • Addressing shortfalls in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Implementing the college's Strategic Direction Priorities
  • Closing Equity Gaps
10 Athletics Personnel 11_000_618_1_696021 51490 $0.00 $8,000.00
Cross Country Assistant Coach With 12 active programs, each program, regardless of roster size, has at least one paid assistant coach except for cross country, which fields rosters for two programs, roughly averaging 20 student-athletes per year. This is comparable to other programs such as men�s and women�s basketball, softball, volleyball, and men�s and women�s soccer. The paid assistant would serve both the men�s and women�s cross country programs.
  • Addressing all Areas of the Student Centered Funding Formula (enrollment growth, student need and student success)
  • Addressing shortfalls in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Implementing the college's Strategic Direction Priorities
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Meeting enrollment targets
  • Meeting student achievement goals (Vision for Success Goals)
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusiveness
11 Athletics Equipment $0.00 $3,200.00
PrestoSports Athletic Website Costs In order to comply with CCCAA guidelines and also showcase our athletic programs and student-athletes, the contract has already been executed between PrestoSports and Butte-Glenn Community College District to begin the process. While funds were augmented for the first year, there is an annual cost for the website that runs up to $3,200 in a year. This website can assist with not only public relations but also recruiting for both incoming students, as well as current students to be recruited to four-year institutions, which ultimately benefits the college due to the current state funding formula.
  • Instructional Equipment
  • Addressing all Areas of the Student Centered Funding Formula (enrollment growth, student need and student success)
  • Addressing shortfalls in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Implementing the college's Strategic Direction Priorities
  • Meeting California Community Colleges Vision for Success Goals
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Meeting enrollment targets
  • Meeting student achievement goals (Vision for Success Goals)
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusiveness
12 Athletics Personnel 51490 $0.00 $45,000.00
Equity in Head Coaches Stipends There is a serious inequity in head coach stipends. An example would be that the women�s basketball head coach receives a larger stipend than the baseball coach. Currently, the women�s basketball coach also receives more sport-related courses than the baseball coach, and ultimately annually serves on average less students than the baseball coach. There needs to be a more equitable distribution of funds across the board for coaching-related stipends.
  • Addressing shortfalls in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Addressing all Areas of the Student Centered Funding Formula (enrollment growth, student need and student success)
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Meeting enrollment targets
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusiveness